Friday, May 6, 2016

Money Is Not Everything And It Can Not Buy Everything For Human Being.

My Dear Friends We All Are Human Beings But Every Person Has Different Kind Of Nature In This World. Every Person Has A Personality Which Defines His Behaviour.  When You Meet With Any Person You Know About His Way Of Talking And About His Nature. Behaviour And Nature Are Two Major Characteristic Of Every Person.
In Our Life We Meet Many Of Different Kind Of People. In Which Some Are Kind Heart Person And Some Kind Are Greedy Types Of Person.
On This Earth You Can Meet Many Kind Of Person Who Have Different Kind Of Behaviour, Some People Are Running Behind The Money, They Think That Money Is Major Thing For Them. Sometimes You Meet With Those People Who Have Ultimate Character, They Do Not Run Behind The Money Because They Give Preference To Honesty And Friendship As Well. This Kind Of People Are Respectful In Our Society.
On Other Hand There Are Some Different Kind Of People Who Think That Money Is Everything For Them. But They Don't Know That Money Is Not Everything Because:-
  1. Money Can Purchase A Bed But Money Can Not Buy Sleep.
  2. Money Can Buy Books But Money Can Not Buy Knowledge. 
My Dear Friends In Human Being Life's  There Are Different Kind Of Stages  Which Defines Any Human Being's Nature But As I Know That Money Can Buy Food But Money Can Not Buy Hunger.
In Our Life We See Different Kind Of People Some People Are Good In Nature And Some Are Not Good But In Our Society We Have To Do Balance In Both Of Them If We Are Good.
We Can See That In Present Time Most Of People Are Running Behind The Money And They Don't Know The Value Of Person They Only Know The Value Of Money, As I Said Earlier That Money Can Not Buy Every Thing, Money Just A Need And Money Just A Tool To Fulfill Our Need. It Is Not Every Thing But Knowing That People Are Running Behind It.
Some People Forget The Relationship For The Money They Don't Respect To Others Only Because Of Money. A Person Is Best Person When He Care His Relationship In Comparison Of Money, A Best Person Who Knows The Value Of Relationship, He Never Give Importance To Money In Front Of Relations.
Money Will Never  Make You Happy, If You Are A Unhappy Person.  That Saying Is True. Money Is Not A Scale  To Measure A Person But A Good Character Is A Important Scale To Measure A Good Person.
A Rich Person Has Best Relations Not Having More Money, If You Don't Have Good Will In Society And You Have More Money Then You Are Not A Rich Person But If You Have A Great Good Will Among Your Relatives And Friends Then You Are The Richest Person.

So Money Is Not Everything But Good Relationship And Good Will More Important. 


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